start the change Achieve your goals and create new habits week by week

theLIFEBOARD is the weekly planner and journal that helps you organize your weeks, plan your goals, track your habits, and analyze your progress without getting in your way.

Learn more

We are a privacy focused company. Read our Privacy Policy.

We're proud to have helped our users in

Life Goals

You can find all the app metrics in our open stats page.

How it works

Make it simple: follow our 6 steps to success

Choose simplicity over complexity. Define your goals and habits and start working towards them, tracking your progress and finding new ways to improve every week


Define Goals & Habits

What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to become? The answers to these questions are the foundation of your Goals and Habits. "Without a goal, you can not score".

Plan your first Week

Define your priority for the week, a statement you'll use to maintain your focus. Choose the start and end date and create your first tasks.

Track your progress

Update your progress regularly and keep yourself motivated. Complete the tasks related to your Goals and tick your Habits as soon as you do them.

Keep a journal

Write down your thoughts and reflections about your goals and habits with Personal Notes. Use them later on during the weekly review to help you analyze your week.

Review and improve

At the end of the Week, take some time to reflect and analyse. Take notes of your wins, identify weaknesses and find ways to improve every week.

Plan the next Week

The process restarts every week because consistency leads to progress, develops routines and builds momentum. Show up every week and you will see awesome results.


Everything you need to make the change

Life goals & habits

Setting up long-term Goals is a great way to start changing your life and increase your willpower and self-discipline. Developing good Habits will last and will allow you to exceed your Goals.

Guided weekly review

Spend some time to reflect every week, analyze what is working, identify blockers and find ways to be more productive. The weekly review allows you to compare your progress with previous weeks and adjust. Work smarter not harder.

Personal journal

Your place to reflect, celebrate your wins or simply save ideas. Keep a personal journal, save notes related your goals and habits and use them during your guided weekly review.

Privacy focused

Your data is yours and only yours. We will never share any of your data with third parties, advertising companies etc... We don't store unnecessary cookies in your browser or track you across the web in any way.

Now also available on Google Play

You can also install theLIFEBOARD on IOS devices (iPhone/iPad) as a Progressive Web App following our step-by-step guide.

theLIFEBOARD on mobile and desktop

What makes it special?

Our main focus was to build something easy to use, that doesn't stay in your way and that becomes your own place to reflect. No distractions, likes, followers, or notifications.
Just you, your goals, your habits and your lessons learned.

Weekly Calendar

In theLIFEBOARD you define a plan for the week but how you action it is up to you. Easily adapt your tasks and habits on your calendar to progress whenever you can Because we all have busy lives and we know plans can change at any minute.


We know it's very easy to lose motivation and quit working towards your goals after a bad day or week. theLIFEBOARD helps you focus putting your motivations upfront so you keep progressing towards your life goals and habits.

Avoid burnout

Comparing yourself with other people is not fair and can make you downsize your own progress. In theLIFEBOARD you will only compare your progress with your previous weeks because life is not a productivity race.


See what our users are saying

I really enjoy the web app and I think this has great value. It is a well-built to-do list, habit tracker, and goal setting app that works seamlessly together! Most of the tools I use aren't fully integrated like this so this is a really cool AWESOME JOB!

Winnie L.

Fantastic app - I never thought that I would need an app like this but it has been great! Many thanks for developing it!

Peter J.

It's great! I am enjoying working with the app. It adds a different perspective to my todo list.

Diana S.

The app looks fantastic! I'm super into personal growth and life design as well so I wanted to give you props for such an awesome app!


You can send us feedback from the app or from the contact page.

we're here to help

Frequently asked questions

theLIFEBOARD is a weekly planner that helps you achieve your Goals and create new Habits.

Organising your weeks and tracking them is one of the best ways to achieve your Goals and stick to new Habits.

Most free apps out there sell your data to advertisers, we don't do that. That means that in order to keep things running, pay for the servers, and the time we invest in the project, we need to charge a small fee.

You can try theLIFEBOARD for free with our free trial. If you become a paid user but you decide to stop using theLIFEBOARD later on, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

We think theLIFEBOARD offers a great combination of features that can help you achieve you goals. Combining goals and habits and planning and reviewing each week has proved to be a very effective method for us so we're sure it'll be super helpful for you too 😊

In addition, we'll never share your data with advertisers or any third party as stated in our privacy policy, and you'll be supporting an independent company (learn more about us) ✌️

We've just released a first version of the app in Google Play, you can find it here.

You can also install theLIFEBOARD in your iPhone as a Progressive Web App. PWA's behave like native apps and can be installed directly from your phone's web browser (check out this guide with the details).

Once installed theLIFEBOARD will appear on your phone's Home screen. πŸ˜‰

Do you have any other question? Check out the Help page, our user guides, or send us a message πŸ€™

πŸͺ This website uses no cookies, at all. Isn't that great? We just wanted to let you know 😊